Thursday 27 July 2017

Tricks to become a google search expert

Become a google search ninja
tricks to search on google

In this post i will share something with you which will make you a google search ninja. A ninja is somebody who excels in a particular skill or activity and after applying the tips i am going to share you will also become a google search ninja. We can define a google search ninja as a person who has the ability to search anything on google faster than anybody else. We all live in 21st century and we all have that powerful search tool called google.
Google is a technology giant because of its size of information, type of technology and global access and also its products like  google chrome, gmail, drive and etc.
This search giant has given us the power to find anything on internet, go anywhere with maps, translate any language, store our media, communicate through emails, entertain ourself with youtube and so much more. Billions of peoples search on google daily whether it is for school project, office presentation, study material, online shopping, news, video games, latest movies, cool songs and other information. There are so many search engines available but no doubt google is the boss among all of them because almost 70% of online searches takes place on google. After analysing the keywords searched by the user google produces the best possible results but availability of massive amount of data often makes it difficult for users to get desired information or results. Whenever a user did not gets the desired results then he tries to put keywords in different-different orders in the hope that he will get what he want but doing this takes a lot of effort and time.
Even after searching for a long hour and putting a lot of effort it is not sure that you will get the thing or information you are searching for so with intention to make it easier to get best and desired results on google, i am sharing some of the best and working tricks to get most accurate and relevant things or information from google.

Tips to find needed information on google easily.

(1) Search a specific phrase - Lets assume you want information on marketing management but google is not giving relevant results then instead of just typing marketing management which gives you results that contain 'marketing' and 'management' enclose the search phrase within double quotes by which google can understand that user wants the results which contains whole phrase. Google is getting smarter with time so mostly it understands the keywords but sometimes it happens when it does not and at that time this technique will be the only best option you will have.

Example:  write marketing management as  "marketing management" on google search  box.

(2) Eliminate certain results by minus(-) sign - Assume that i am searching for headphones but i don't want to see any specific brand of headphone on the search results, assume that i don't want to see sony headphones in search results in that case i will search like this

 headphones -sony or                              headphones -sony -jbl or                        headphones -sony -jbl -skullcandy

 All you have to do is just minus(-) the  name of thing/product you don't want to      see in result. This technique is really good  as it makes google focus on only those  things which you want or you can say it  gives a clear instruction to google about    things you don't want.

(3) Get most relevant results -  Often it happens when you search a website for a certain content or phrase but it seems difficult to find the information related to that phrase. Even the site does not support inbuilt search you can use
google to search for your phrase or content.

"content/phrase"                                                                                                     Assume i am looking for products on Amazon which  have 70% off on them so i will search like this                                                 "70%off"          
This way I will save time and also it will  give me most relevant search results. It all  depends on you how you use this trick.

(4) X to Y method to Convert currency -  Do you face problem in converting dollars to rupee, yen to pound, euro to dinar etc. Converting currency is a difficult task to do because you know currency rates changes every minute and a person cannot be updated with money rates all the time. To convert currency easily just use x to y method. In x to y method x is the currency which you want to convert and y is the currency in which you want to convert x. If you want to convert dollar to euro then you have to search dollar to euro on google and there will be a currency converter visible on you screen. This technique of converting currencies is applicable on computers and laptops.

As i have explained you that how you can be more effective while searching on google with my tips. To be honest google is getting better and it gives it's best to serve you but sometime it happens when you search for something and did not get your information oneven 4th or 5th page of google then these tips can be very helpful for you. It all depends how effectively you can use given tips.

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Saturday 22 July 2017


Reality behind fb account hack by Biswajit karmakar  viral message

 Facebook is world's biggest social networking website with over 2 billion monthly users. Each year the number of facebook users Increases by 18%. Due to this much user base, facebook comes with massive amount of stats.

On Facebook
136000 photos are uploaded every minute.
510000 comments are posted every minute.
293000 statuses are updated every minute.

Even lakhs of messages get shared every minute. These type of shared messages and posts includes jokes, news, stats and warning messages. Often people share warning  messages which warns you from any danger. People  share these warning messages because they want their loved ones to be safe but in recent time many of such warning messages appeared to be rumours.
Few weeks ago a message got viral in India. The message was claiming that if you get a call from number 777888999 then don't answer the call if you do then your phone will get blast. Due to this message a situation of anxiety got created among people and the message had been shared many of times. In the reality not even a single case related to this message found and this message exposed to be as a rumour.
 Yes, so much of such warning messages have been found fake. People's who create these type of rumors often do this for fun purpose or just to make people afraid.
In this post I am going to unveil the reality behind one of such warning messege which is currently trending among Indian facebook Users which says, Don't accept the friend request of Biswajit karmakar on facebook as he is a hacker and also do inform your other fb friends because if even one person accepts the request, then he and his friend's fb account will be hacked.

The interesting thing is that 5-6 months back the same type of warning message got viral in America also. In that message jayden k smith was introduced as a hacker instead of biswajit karmakar.

 Please tell all the contacts in your Messenger list, not to accept Jayden K. Smith friendship request. He is a hacker and has the system connected to your Facebook account. If one of your contacts accepts it, you will also be hacked, so make sure that all your friends know it. Thanks. Forwarded as received

The real thing is that both the messages are just rumours and your account is not going to be hack by accepting any friend request. This type of message gets spread from one country to another but the logic behind such messages is 0%. It is like that many of such warnings which start as a joke but take a life of their own when users take them too seriously. The funny thing is that you will not even get any friend request from biswajit karmakar.
There is no need to share this message because it is a fake. 


Friday 21 July 2017



The number of benefits that internet can give you is beyond the thinking. One of them is online learning.

                       The Internet is world's largest library.
                         It's just that all the books are on the floor.
                                                                                   (John Allen Paulos)

                       The internet has always been, and  always will be,
                                              a magic box.
                                                                                    (Marc Andreessen)

 These quotes describe internet very well. For every learner, internet has something. There are so many peoples around the world trying to learn HTML.
Are you learning HTML( Hyper Text Markup Language) through online websites? Then this post can be helpful for you. Basically html is a computer language prepared to allow web site creation.

 HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text file by the site author - these are the tags. The text is then saved as html file and viewed through a browser like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera Mini or Mozilla Firefox etc. Then the browser reads the file and translates the text into visible form as per the author's intention.

 Learning and practicing html helps you to prepare strong foundation of coding. There are so many peoples around the world learning html on internet and the biggest problem with that is, some of html lessons are not well explained on such online sites. In order to help new html students, i write easily understandable posts related to html course. Previously i wrote about, how to create html web page? And if you want to learn the method to create html web pages, then you can read how to create a web page post.  Now in this post i will share the easiest method to add images on web pages.

Learn adding images on web pages in 3 easy steps:

As you know the method to create web page,  so we will carry forward from there.


Write the code and give title to your web page
<DOCTYPE! html>
<title> title of the page  </title>
after that save file with .html extension.
To save it, click on file>save as and then save file with . html extension, ex: My hero. html.

Now you have created web page.


Now, make a file and you have to put the image and the html file( web page file) in the same folder.


Now close the opened text document and open the html file(the mozilla icon file in picture) with notepad. Now just put a code
<img src=".jpg"> between body tags ( <body> put code here </body> ).
Copy the name of image file and paste it between  " and .jpg
like this

and then save file

Simply open the html file.
Yes, you did it. 

You can also adjust image size by doing this

<img src="name.jpg" width="xx%" height="yy%" >
ex: <img src="name.jpg" width="30%" height="40%">

remember to put codes correctly.
If you have any doubt you can ask in comments section.


Wednesday 19 July 2017


Make a web page with html

 Are you looking to create your own webpage? Do you want to learn how webpages are created? Ok then, here I am going to share the recipe of webpage creation with you. In this post i will tell you how easily you can make a lot of webpages. I will consider you as a person who knows nothing about coding. I am myself a learner so, I know very well that a little bit of confusion can ruin the whole learning process so, I will try to explain the whole process in the easiest method that I can. 

Before moving forward i want you to understand the benefits of knowing the skill of making webpages. 

*It is like the warm-up before sprint : if you want to learn coding, then you should have strong groundwork/fundamentals of coding, and if you can make webpages then you definitely know basics of coding. 

*Best time killer` : Often people play video games to kill their time instead you can do this. It is definitely way better than killing you time in playing video games. It is the best way to start coding. 

*It is entertaining : As i have mentioned above that this activity is better to invest your time on, but you will not agree with me until you don't find it entertaining. Let me tell you that doing this will give you a great entertainment. 

As i have told you the positives of learning webpage making. Now we can move forward to see how  we can make them. 
Below is the process of webpage creation is given with pictures. 


Open a text document
Make a web page with html


Into the text document just type this code as it is. 

       <title> </title>

html web page
The coding you can see in the image is called the skeleton/structure of webpage. Whenever you make webpage this should come as it is.

Before step 3 look little bit here to know about html tags.

  < > this is opening tag
 </> this is closing tag
html tags

Now, between title tags (<title> title of page  </title>) write the name that you want to give to your webpage. Whatever we write between title tags that comes as TITLE of the webpage. 

coding for web page

In the next step you will see how to write something
on webpage. Whatever you want to write on webpage just put that content between body tags (<body> content will come here </body>)  and it will automatically appear on your webpage. 

html coding

Now we will check how it works, but before that you have to save the text document so,
Read this carefully 
Click on '' save as'' and then save file name with .html extension (ex: wowtekk.html). By saving file name with .html extension you will change a text document into a webpage file and due to this the appearance of the file will change.

html on notepad
coding basics
make web page file
Now, to open the file just click on it and the webpage will be in front of your eyes.
Like this
simple web page

You can also make colorful webpages just by doing this.

To add color in webpage just add bgcolor="colorname" in opening tag of body. 

<body bgcolor="green"></body>
put colour on web page

coulurful web page 
how to add colour on web page

how to add colour on web page

A webpage is not only a text showing page. It is much more than that, as you can see on the top of the post there is a webpage in which name and pictures of different websites are given. With the help of that page you can go to all the sites that are given on the page. During my html course i built that page and you also can create many of such great webpages. In next post i will tell you about how you can insert an image on a webpage and how to manage size of texts. If you have any confusion related to this post then you can comment about that. share if you like.


Monday 17 July 2017





Sometime we get trapped in that situations when we do forget computer's password. We can reset computer settings which will remove password from computer but also can cause data loss and it takes time too. A professional can do this job for you but you need to pay him. Both the options are not that good.
Should not we prepare for such situation?

How can we move out easily from such situations?
ANSWER: We can prepare and keep a password reset key with us.

What a password reset key is ?
ANSWER: You make a key which is able to reset your computer's password without logging in (from lock screen).

Windows that support password reset key
Window XP
Window 7
Windows Vista
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows 10 Anniversary Edition

Below is the method of creation of password reset key is given.




On the lock screen of computer you can see a section to fill password and just below that you have one more option to reset password so 
whenever you forget password just connect the storage device ( USB, CD ) in which you have created password reset key and click the reset password option and follow the instructions of computer.